Conquering creative blocks in digital design is a key component of what makes a successful artist. Knowing how to revitalize your creative juices and get back into your workflow is critical. As a self-proclaimed digital artist, I have encountered many creative blocks. Be it in writing, design or coding. However, over the years of developing my craft, I’ve found a few strategies that help me overcome these obstacles and get back to doing what I love most. In this post, I’ll share some of my most used strategies for reigniting creativity! Follow along below to learn more!
A Brief Prelude
Creative blocks can be debilitating for an artist. But, it’s important to recognize the difference between a creative block and creative burnout. To me, a creative block is often a symptom of creative burnout. In order to vanquish the blockage, there are a couple of different courses of action. For instance, you can A) take the route for a quick fix or B) implement habits to prevent future burnouts, thus minimizing your risk of getting stuck. I’ll go over both in this article because every situation is unique—and, sometimes you just need results.
Quick Fixes and Bandaids for Creative Impairment
- Get it All Out
If you’re in a pinch, and no ideas are coming, one of the best things you can do is start. Write down everything you’re thinking of whether it’s a terrible idea or potentially revolutionary. If writing isn’t your jam, try drawing/sketching your ideas. You can always improve upon these later, but it’s important to start because this will kickstart your imagination and help you generate better ideas. So, give yourself permission to produce a messy rough draft and see what comes of it!
- Find a Change of Scenery + Talk to Others
Another way to get things flowing is to change up your scenery. Inspiration can be found in the most unsuspecting places. By immersing yourself somewhere new you might uncover the catalyst for your next greatest work! Similar to this, talking to someone new or bouncing ideas off of a friend can make the ideation process much smoother. And, if you have no one to talk to, try chatting with AI about your creative troubles.
- Remember What Inspires You
Oftentimes, my creative blocks result from having too much on the go, which results in me forgetting the reason why I love to create. Sometimes the simplest solution to my problem is to take a short break and revisit some of the works that inspire me most. Even if this doesn’t spark an idea, it’s usually enough to motivate me to push through the block.
Long-Term Solutions to Avoid Creative Burnout (A.K.A What You Don’t Want to Hear)
- Organize and Plan
If you’re looking for ways to prevent creative blocks from happening, my biggest recommendation is to stay organized and plan ahead. While this may sound counterintuitive to most creative processes, having a plan is critical! This is especially true for those who are students, have other work to tend to and/or external daily commitments. Managing your time effectively will ensure that you have enough freedom to focus on your digital design projects. Thus, minimizing stress, reducing the risk of burnout, and enhancing your productivity.
- Break It Up
The significance of breaking down your creative assignments into smaller segments cannot be overstated. This approach enables you to dedicate focused attention to the intricate details that might be otherwise skipped. Moreover, it prevents the tendency to rush through a project in a single day, even though there are instances where such urgency is required. Incorporating breaks between completing tasks guarantees that you consistently approach your project with a fresh perspective.
- Set Boundaries Between Work + Life
Finally, to avoid creative burnout, do your best to set boundaries between your creative work and personal life. When these lines are blurred you can quickly become exhausted. By allocating time for your creative tasks, and consciously stepping away during non-work hours, you can fall into a healthier routine that shields you from the risk of burnout.
Get in Touch!
Avoiding creative burnout and dealing with creative blocks are essential parts of being an artist. If you’re interested in learning more about me and my work, contact me today! I’d be happy to chat with you about all things digital design. For more content like this, stay tuned to my blog!