The concept for this game was originally a platform game, however, it evolved into something slightly different. The game Tatum ended up creating was a simple game where the player moves left and right using the arrow keys to avoid falling blocks from the sky. As the player survives longer, the blocks begin to move faster and change colours based on the speed. If the player is hit by a block, they are prompted to either continue where they left off or end the game.
Tech/Tools Used: Processing 3/Java, Illustrator
To begin this project, Tatum created the graphics for the environment of the game. Then, she worked on the basic functions like character movement, falling blocks, and embedding the graphics. At this stage, she also worked on making an operational timer, scoring system, and collision detection mechanism. Once all of this was in place, Tatum began adding the bells and whistles, for example, music, sound effects, and font.